Person using digital tablet with up trend line graph stock market and bar chart volume trading with index forex: Investment Portfolio Rebalancing Concept


The process of realigning the weightings of different types of securities in an investment portfolio. Rebalancing involves systematically buying and selling securities to maintain the portfolio's optimum asset allocation percentages and risk levels.

Dice and golden nest egg reflect investment risk. Risk tolerance concept.

Risk Tolerance

Risk tolerance refers to an investor’s willingness to lose principal in exchange for potentially greater return. Intrinsically, risk tolerance is subjective. Thus, it varies according to a number of factors—like age, affluence, and sophistication.  For example, the younger, wealthier, and savvier the investor, the higher is their tolerance for risk. As such, an aggressive investor with high risk tolerance may prefer small-company stocks, emerging market equities, and gold. By contrast, a conservative investor with low risk tolerance might opt for money-market funds, certificates of deposit, and Treasuries.